It is quite possible to finance your training depending on your situation. Several financing possibilities are possible depending on your background, age and professional project. It is imperative that you start to find out about these as soon as you register for the auditions so that you can take advantage of all the solutions available to you. Each type of aid is different. It is therefore necessary to put together an appropriate file and provide the necessary documents for the study of your funding project by the funding bodies. The Centre Chorégraphique Calabash will help you through these different stages.
We advise you to get in touch with the Mission Locale, the local employment agencies, the local public services (Town Hall, Regions and Departments) on which you depend. They will be able to study your family and financial situation and support you in this new project.
For jobseekers, your advisor will provide you with information on the Aide Individuelle à la Formation (A.I.F.). The Pôle Emploi and the local employment missions can help you. The CCC will fill in the necessary documents on Kairos before they go to the commission.
Private funding can come from various sources: the dancer, friends and family, private funds to help with training and integration, etc. Certain organisations, foundations and private companies provide aid when an application is made. The procedures are your own.
The Centre Chorégraphiques is listed on the RNCP and appears on the CPF.
For salaried candidates, the cost of the training can be covered by their company's OPCA (AFDAS, FONGECIF, AGEFOS, etc.) as part of their participation in Continuing Professional Training. Do not hesitate to ask about the different options available:
- Individual Training Leave (C.I.F.)
- Individual Right to Training (D.I.F.)
- Employer's training insurance fund
- Training credit from the D.D.T.E.
Candidates who are intermittent in the entertainment industry can obtain information from the AFDAS or the Pôle Emploi. In this case, you must submit a file to AFDAS, which will examine your request.